If Walls Could Talk
Discover walls of brilliant colored art by local artisans in historic towns that portray a remembrance of eras past.

Chattahoochee Heritage Park & Mural
Located in downtown Chattahoochee, the park contains a Norfolk Southern Railroad caboose, picturesque fountain, gazebo, benches, and a river heritage mural painted by Von Tipton that features the John W. Callahan steamboat.

Chipley Mural
The train mural on the Valencia Jewelry Store in Chipley, located near the depot, show a sign of the past.

Blountstown Mural
At the intersection of SR 20 and SR 71 in Blountstown, on the Diamond Corner building, is a mural depicting by local artist Jeff Vickery. The center piece of the mural is from an old colorized postcard. Main Street members helped select the series of landmark buildings included in the mural. Many hope the mural will bring history alive, rekindle memories and local pride, and increase tourism to the region.

Quincy Coca Cola Mural
Park on Madison Street in the Courthouse Square and walk south, crossing US 90, to the next block to view this iconic mural on the outside brick wall at Padgett’s Jewelers in Quincy. The mural is one reminder that Quincy was once home to many millionaires who invested in Coca-Cola stock in the 1920s.