Giddy Up & Ride
Check out these three equestrian trails located in Northwest Florida, offering trial rides on the beach or in the natural landscapes. Explore each site for details and amenities.
Horseback Riding on the Beach
Gulf County offers a great way to make memories with a horseback ride on the beaches of Cape San Blas. All trips are a comfortable walking pace, perfect for an individual or family excursion.

Lakes, Swamps & Wetlands
Saddle up and ride over the unique outdoor landscape of Port Washington State Forest. The 15,400-acre forest is home to ten natural communities, including sandhills, cypress swamps, basin swamps, wet flatwoods, and wet prairie.
Trails & Preserved Forest
Sunshine Riding Trails offer trail rides to individuals or groups on their beautiful Tennessee Walking Horses throughout 10,000 acres of Florida sandhills and preserved forest.